In Alberta, some work conducted by a Qualified Aquatic Environmental Specialist (QAES) that may be used to design and provide acceptable alternative designs to those specified in the Codes.

Wildlife Sweep
A wildlife sweep must be conducted prior to activity resulting in land or vegetation disturbance where there is risk of wildlife features being disturbed or destroyed. This protocol is a risk-based approach to wildlife sweeps with the intent of reducing the potential of important wildlife features being disturbed or destroyed as a result of land or vegetation disturbance activities. We’ve conducted hundreds of wildlife sweeps involving bids, endangered species, and other animals.
Fish Capture and Release
In the event that the watercourse is deemed to be fish bearing and that there is a likelihood that fish may be present at the time of construction, fish capture and release must be conducted.

ECO Plans
Environmental Construction Operation Plans are determined for any construction occurring near water bodies that include description of site activities, potential environmental impacts and controls, hazardous materials and waste management, emergency procedures, and implementation. Elkan has conducted several hundred of these projects.
Stream Turbidity Monitoring
Turbidity monitoring is conducted to ensure streams within construction areas are protection from significant amounts of sediment release. A linear relationship between TSS and turbidity is first determined, and then upstream and downstream monitoring within selected transects is conducted during construction. Elkan has conducted several hundred of these projects.