Remediation, Reclamation, Regulatory and Compliance
Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
The purpose of a Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is to address any impacts in soil and/or groundwater identified in the Phase II ESA.
If results of the sampling indicate impacts in the soil and/or groundwater greater than the applicable guidelines, options such as remediation or treatment must be considered. Remediation can proceed either by in-situ or ex-situ remediation. Elkan has completed hundreds of Phase III assessments and remedial projects.

Soil and Groundwater Approvals
Risk for soil contamination exists at industrial plants that have a potential for
release of substances to the environment. Regulatory requirements and
professional guidance are needed to ensure that the soil resources and
associated environmental media are protected at industrial sites.
Elkan has been involved with regulatory approvals and compliance in a variety of
industries, often with little regulatory follow-up requirements. We’ve completed numerous approval projects, as well as soil and groundwater monitoring programs not under approvals.