Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

A commercial or industrial Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is conducted pursuant to the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) Phase I ESA Standard Z768-01. In AB, the Alberta Environmental Site Assessment Standard must also be met.

Upstream Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

In Alberta, an upstream Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is used in preparation for an application for a Reclamation Certificate, in accordance with Alberta Energy Regulator’s 2010 Reclamation Criteria for Wellsites and Associated Facilities.

Certificate of Restoration (COR) Part 1

In BC, the Oil & Gas Commission requires an upstream oil & gas Phase I ESA to be completed in accordance with the Certificate of Restoration Part 1.

Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)

In BC, a Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation is conducted pursuant to the CSA Phase I ESA Standard Z768-01 but includes other items such as a Site Profile, survey maps, and a review by BC MoE.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment requires completion pursuant to the CSA Phase II ESA Standard Z769-00. In AB, the Alberta Environmental Site Assessment Standard must also be met.

Stage 2 Preliminary Site Assessment (PSI)

In BC, a Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigation is conducted in accordance with the CSA Phase II ESA Standard Z769-00 but includes additional items.

Detailed Site Investigation (DSI)

In BC, a Detailed Site Investigation is a very thorough investigation, usually following a Stage 2 PSI to ensure complete delineation and to ensure full understanding of contaminant transport.

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